Our european advocacy action – To shape the climate policies of tomorrow let’s draw from the successes of recent years
On June 19th, the European Council will discuss the Union's recovery plan, which should enable Europe to reboot its economy. Climate Chance addresses the European Union with a set of proposals to be developed and integrated within the "Green New Deal" strategy.

Climate Chance addresses EU leaders and contributes to the debate
To shape the climate policies of tomorrow, Europe’s choices will be crucial. Climate Chance aspires to be part of the current European debate and to contribute by defending realistic solutions, that take into account the climate challenge.
These proposals are primarily addressed to political leaders (governments and parliaments) of the European Union and Member States, whose choices will be decisive in setting the world on a path towards achieving the major human development goals on the international agenda, compatible with the major environmental challenges of preserving the climate and biodiversity.
Our six key priorities for public policies of the European Union and member states:
- Putting a real price on carbon and covering all global emissions
- Strengthening development policies and financial flows towards developing countries
- Providing strong support to local authorities
- Investing in a new transport policy
- Climate and Biodiversity-compatible Agriculture
- A digital shift for the transition

Climate Chance’s contribution based on the analyses of our Observatory
Our approach, supported and sustained by examples of « good practices » and their analysis from our Observatory on Climate Action, proposes several concrete priorities to be placed at the heart of European recovery policies.
The Observatory’s insights are based on the most tangible GHG emissions reductions analysed in our 2018 and 2019 Synthesis Reports on Non-state Climate Action.
Our focus is on 4 areas of intervention that are essential both for the continuity of efforts and results obtained and to inspire recovery measures compatible with the Paris Agreement and the SDGs :
- Electricity
- Mobility
- Digital
- Climate financing and solidarity
Our press release
Climate Chance press conference

Climate Chance press conference: 17/06/2020
(Re)watch our press conference held on 17 June 2020 by videoconference… just a few days before the European debate on Europe’s recovery plan.
Ronan Dantec, Senator of Loire Atlantique, President of Climate Chance Association
Anne Barre, Gender and Climate Advocacy Coordinator, Women Engage for a Common Future – WECF International
Frédéric Vallier, Secretary General of Council of European Municipalities and Regions – CEMR
Gilles Vermot Desroches, Director of Sustainable Development at Schneider Electric
Jean-Pierre Elong Mbassi, Secretary General of United Cities and Local Governments Africa – UCLG Africa

Exclusive publication of Climate Chance’s Address to European leaders in La Tribune
Our Address to European leaders, signed by some sixty personalities, was published on 17 June 2020 in La Tribune.
Read the article by clicking HERE