Your webinars, replays and MOOCs proposed in August
The summer period is conducive to webinars, podcasts and replays ! Climate Chance offers you its new selection for the coming weeks ...
Nature-based solutions : Opportunities and challenges for African cities
[ENGLISH] Tuesday, August 11th 02:00 PM
Nature-based solutions (NBS), as defined by IUCN (2016) are « actions to protect, manage and sustainably restore natural or modified ecosystems that respond to societal challenges (e.g. climate change, food and water security) in an effective manner and simultaneously provide benefits for human well-being and biodiversity.
They have gained momentum worldwide as a means of solving or partially solving difficult urban problems such as urban heat, pollution and flooding.
This webinar addresses the issue of varying interpretations of NBS, presents the latest thinking on the interpretation of NBS and also looks at whether and how this concept, this practice, is finding application in African cities.
Organized by Africa. More informations – Register HERE
Mapping the benefits of nature : The use of spatial data in African cities
[ENGLISH] Tuesday, August 18 02:00 PM
Mapping ecosystem services is essential for understanding how ecosystems contribute to human well-being and for supporting policies that impact on natural resources.
This webinar aims to demonstrate how mapping can help decision-makers at sub-national and local levels to identify priority areas for engaging targets for nature conservation and restoration, as well as pathways to achieve these targets and where to direct investment for open green spaces.
Organized by Africa. More informations – Register HERE
MOOC Urban mobilities in Africa
[FRENCH] Registration open until 27/09 Course start 14/09
The Mooc is the result of a partnership approach between AFD, the Cooperation for the Development and Improvement of Urban Transport (CODATU), Senghor University and the Agence universitaire de la francophonie (AUF). It aims to understand mobility issues in Africa and to share the knowledge and know-how of Francophone experts. This training will provide the keys to building projects adapted to the cities of tomorrow.
Proposed by . More informations – Register HERE
The replays of our July Virtual Workshops
The Virtual Workshops of July proposed by are available in replay ! [ENGLISH]
- How can the 2050 objectives for carbon neutrality be transformed into short term action ? Replay HERE
The Climate Chance Observatory wishes to demonstrate the importance of monitoring, evaluation and continuity of the climate actions of communities, businesses and civil society, in order to give credibility to our collective commitments, and to replicate this progress rapidly from 2020. To do so, we have summarized the best results observed in our last two annual our last two Synthesis Reports, in terms of reduction of GHG emissions or access to essential services. More information - Inclusive access to climate finance following the Covid-19 crisis Replay HERE
This virtual workshop gives an overview of the possibilities of access to climate financing for African local authorities, but also for all non-state actors in Africa, particularly in relation to the coalition’s roadmap, in order to make progress on the eligibility of territories’ projects to the international, regional and national climate fund. The workshop will also focus on the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on climate financing activities. More information - Post-crisis: Post-crisis resilience in sustainable cities: How to build back better ? Replay coming very soon !
There is an urgent need to bring together all city actors, local authorities, but also economic operators including promoters of sustainable city projects in Africa, patrons, associations, researchers, etc. in order to draw up a common roadmap adapted to the needs of the African continent. This workshop is based on the observations and conclusions expressed by the coalition « Development of Sustainable African Cities » during the Climate Chance Summit Africa 2019 in Accra, Ghana. More information We look forward to seeing you on 3/09 for the return of our Virtual Workshops cycle !